Skin Care Resolutions for the New Year
Posted by TEAM BARVA

You may have a long list of new year resolutions. Is skin care among them?
Do you have skin concerns that have been bothering you for a while, but you have just accepted them? In case you wish to bid them goodbye in 2021, here are a few tips for you to fit your skin care goals into your busy schedule.
However, one must remember that one's skin care routine should be in line with the skin type, as different skin types different forms of care.
So without much ado, here we go...
As we all know, skin types fall under 3 basic categories - oily, dry/mature, & combination. Here's a set of skin care resolutions for each of these:
Resolutions for Oily/Acne-prone skin:
1) Cleanse
Cleanse your skin twice a day using products with ingredients that help get rid of skin oiliness as well as soothe acne/pimples. Typically, a foaming face wash that contains neem, peppermint, aloe vera, tea tree oil, lemon & citrus fruit extracts not only controls oiliness, but also gets rid of pimples, acne, blackheads, and other skin imperfections caused by skin oiliness.
2) Exfoliate
This is a very important, yet highly neglected part of the skin care routine. If you have oily skin, you must exfoliate twice a week (not more). Exfoliation with a face scrub that contains tiny particles of bamboo, as opposed to walnut and other abrasive granules, works best on any skin type. It penetrates to the deepest layers of the skin and gets rid of all the buildup present in it which causes blackheads & acne.
However, one must not exfoliate daily, as it may prove to be counterproductive. Your skin doesn't need such deep cleansing more often than twice a week, irrespective of how oily it might be.
3) Toning
Post cleansing and/or exfoliation, your skin needs a suitable toner or face mist to close the pores. Moreover, skin toners tone the skin & tighten the pores, thus reducing skin oiliness considerably over time.
You can prepare a DIY skin toner very easily. In a spray bottle, mix together 1 part aloe vera gel, 3 parts of rose water, and half a teaspoon of glycerin. Shake well & store in the fridge. During summers, you can carry this in your handbag and spray it on your face whenever needed for instant skin refreshment. This mixture lasts for 15 days when refrigerated. Can also be used during winter.
4) Moisturizing
When it comes to oily skin, you need to pick a moisturizer wisely. A light moisturizer with a good balance of natural butters, aloe vera & orange essential oil will work wonders. Moisturizing post cleansing or exfoliation helps restore the skin's pH and the nourishment from the ingredients are better absorbed.
5) Use Clean Pillow Cases
Our pillow cases come constantly in contact with our skin & hair. Hence, they should be changed every 3 days. The residue from night creams, facial oils & other buildup on the skin gets deposited on them. This is specially true in case you suffer from dandruff. The dandruff flakes are getting deposited on the pillow case and getting transferred on the face each time you sleep.
Hence, changing pillow cases goes a long way to prevent as well as cure breakouts.
6) Consume Less Amounts of Oily & Fatty Foods
These foods increase the clogging of pores. They also increase the amount of sebum produced by the skin. Hence, following a clean diet is a must to control skin oiliness & cure acne.
Resolutions for Dry/Mature Skin:
1) Use Mild Cleansers
Dry/mature skin requires extra moisturization and nourishment as it tends to get dehydrated easily. You need to choose a cleanser that is meant for dry skin or all skin types. It should be refreshing, yet not dry your skin.
Choose a cleanser or foaming face wash that contains aloe vera, which maintains the pH of the skin. It should cleanse without drying out your skin. Use it twice daily, not more.
2) Exfoliate Once a Week
Just like oily skin, even dry or mature skin requires exfoliation as there is a buildup of dry skin cells and dead skin, which get washed away only with deep cleansing.
A mild exfoliator with nano particles of an ingredient such as bamboo particles, and which contains cow ghee, jojoba oil and other ingredients is ideal for dry & mature skin types. Bamboo particles gently buff the skin to remove dead skin, dirt & product buildup. The other ingredients ensure that there is minimal abrasion to the skin during exfoliation or scrubbing.
Hence, to maintain the health of skin and reduce signs of ageing, exfoliate once a week with a suitable face scrub.
3) Use a Hydrating & Moisturizing Face Cream
Dry skin suffers from dryness and dehydration. Your skin needs a product that treats both conditions. Ingredients such as mango butter, kokum butter, cow ghee, and other body butters & nourishing oils treat skin dryness. However, to treat dehydration, your skin needs aloe vera, orange essential oil, lemon oil, glycerin and other skin-hydrating ingredients.
We have written an article about "How to Choose a Moisturizer." Do check it out.
4) Consume Fatty Acids
Fatty acid supplements, as well as nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, as well as flax seed, sunflower seeds, etc. are very essential to keep your skin nourished from inside out. Include them in your daily diet either on their own or as part of a salad.
5) Massage Your Face & Body with Nourishing Oils
Regular oil massage is not only very relaxing, but also nourishes your skin from deep within. Massage not only your body, but also your face with nourishing oils such as almond oil, pomegranate seed oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and other carrier oils. You can even use a combination of carrier oils depending upon what suits your skin better.
Enjoy a an oil massage on the body & face at least twice a month, and more frequently during winters.
6) Use Sun Protection
Sun exposure is liked to a host of skin disorders, especially rapid ageing. UVA & UVB rays are known to cause skin conditions such as tanning, pigmentation, & speed up signs of ageing such as lines, wrinkles & sagging skin. This new year, promise yourself to not step out without using sunscreen. It is also advisable to use sunscreen indoors.
7) Drink Plenty of Water
Drink at least 8 glasses of water, even during winter months. This goes a long way in flushing out toxins from your body, as well as naturally hydrating your skin. It makes your skin glow naturally. This is also important for overall health & fitness.
8) Use a Face Mask Once a Week
Using a face mask is essential for maintaining the elasticity of your skin. Use a cream-based skin hydrating face mask for dry & mature skin once a week. It will give you an instant face lift give your skin much-needed pampering in addition to moisturizing and nourishment. The mask should contain ingredients such as clay, ubtan, rose, honey and other ingredients known to hydrate & moisturize skin.
Resolutions for Combination Skin:
1) pH Balanced Cleanser
Cleansers that contain chemicals will leave the dry areas of your skin (cheeks) drier and the oily areas (T-zone - forehead, nose & chin) oilier. Hence, go for a pH-balanced cleanser/foaming face wash that contains neem, peppermint, and aloe vera. pH-balanced skin remains clean, healthy, and glowing, and keeps dryness as well as oiliness at bay.
2) Gentle Exfoliation Once a Week
As mentioned earlier in the article, your skin needs an exfoliator/face scrub that is gentle on the skin. Avoid abrasive face scrubs with large granules such as walnut, almond, etc. Instead, choose one with dense microfoliants and other ingredients that ensure effective cleansing with minimal abrasion.
3) Light Moisturizer During the Day & Rich Moisturizer at Night
Your skin, since it is a combination of oily & dry, requires a rich moisturizer at night as you probably wake up with dry skin in the morning. Also, since it doesn't get very dry during the day, you need a light moisturizer during the day.
A light moisturizer means one that is quickly absorbed by the skin, preferably one containing ingredients such as aloe vera, glycerin & honey. For the night, you can opt for a rich moisturizer that contains a combination of natural butters such as mango butter, kokum butter, cow ghee, etc. It will soak into your skin and relieve dryness as well as provide anti-ageing benefits.
4) Consume More Fruits
Fruits contain high amounts of water, which keeps your skin hydrated and youthful. They also contain fiber that helps eliminate waste more effectively. What's more, the vitamins & minerals contained in fruits improve immune function, which, in turn, contributes to healthier skin.
5) Use Lesser Makeup
Your skin needs a break from using too many products. This year, cut down on makeup and go without makeup at least once a week. Also, switch to non-toxic makeup with natural ingredients.
6) Eat Healthy
Green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and green tea contribute to skin health and reduce the production of sebum/oil. Be more vigilant about your diet, and your skin will immediately reflect the difference.
7) Hydrate with Water
This cannot be stressed enough! Regular hydration with at least 8 glasses of water provides a host of health benefits, one of which is good skin.
Do comment below and let us know which of these resolutions you have made for your skin this New Year. Last but not the least, stay safe & stay beautiful! Wish you a very happy & prosperous New Year!